When you schedule a PFAS medical consultation at MCS, you can expect to complete a comprehensive environmental health history including information about where and how you live, eat, hydrate, work and play. You may have already had your water or blood tested for PFAS or wish to have this information collected, and we will discuss how this is undertaken and interpreted. We will explore the things in your life that may make you more susceptible to illness, like preexisting conditions, family history and other exposures. Usually, this takes an entire visit. A second visit is scheduled to review any further testing which was needed, and to review the recommendations for your long-term health. These recommendations can be taken to your regular primary care provider for review and discussion.
This family of chemicals which comprise thousands of individual substances have been found in biologic samples all over the world. They are in variable amount in water, soil and food samples. We are just beginning to understand the magnitude of the exposure and how to move forward.
New information emerges everyday. It can be difficult to stay on the leading edge of the developments. Especially, if Environmental Medicine is not your area of expertise. Even those with excellent primary care benefit from occasional consultation with Environmental Health experts.
Risk for PFAS associated disease has been correlated with increased exposure. Accurate assessment of exposure allows for correct identification of risk category and informed selection of screening strategy.
Ensuring that regular health maintenance measures are being considered and performed.
Design a specific wellness strategy that leverages best available science to determine areas of highest return on investment of time and resources.